
Das Portal für Portal-Experten

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Most of the content on this website is only available to premium members (forum, FAQ, Issue tracker is reserved for the premium members)

  You absolutely do not need any membership on this website to use any modules availalble to you  by Worldsoft on your domain.

We do have some plublicly avaialble documents which you are most welcome to browse.
These documents are enough to be able to help you get started with a portal, membership and/or premium user websites.

If you need more help after these documentation, you will need to become a premium member which cost only Euro 200/year  and it gives you full access to our forums, FAQ and to our Issue tracker.

Note: None of this is required to operate a normal portal , membership-site or a premium-users website.


Public documentation


Worldsoft Portals

General tutorial about creating a portal Worldsoft Portals

Portal Billing WorldsoftPortalBilling

Stored searches WorldsoftPortalStoredQueries

Portal Voting WorldsoftPortalVoting


Worldsoft Social membership module

Here you can find about Worldsoft membership module

Worldsoft Premium user module

Here you can find about Worldsoft premiumuser module

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